I started this blog a while ago, i think sometime around when Mesh started to come out (you can tell by the outfits lol) seemed like just when i started to do a bit more, Real Life started to demand the majority of my time. Thus the huge gap in posts. I have just come back to being on SL a bit more regular again so hopefully i will get back to doing this as well.
I like doing these posts, to watch myself progress and get better (hopefully) and i like seeing what idea's will pop into my head for each one. So, basically i do these for me, to keep my mind a bit freer from my own thoughts. I don't do it for the free clothes.
Also, i try and put different things in here, so from time to time i will do posts that have the older style clothes for those who don't have the mesh bodies or mesh clothes. I also don't always put links to LM's because sometimes it's just easier to shop on market place and also for those people who sometimes find it hard because of lag to shop in world, so instead i will put the link for the marketplace item.
thanks for looking :)